Electronic Disclosure and Consent

We can provide written communications electronically via email instead of on paper with your consent. Please read the Electronic Disclosure and Consent and follow the instructions to submit your consent. If you do not wish to receive communications electronically, all required written communications will be provided in person or through postal mail.

ShareFile allows Pacific Crest Savings Bank to create a secure, encrypted environment where documents and files can be exchanged with our clients. Please contact your Lending Officer or Client Services for direct access to ShareFile, or you can click the File Drop link below to upload your file now.

Pacific Crest File Drop

The following are instructions for sending and receiving documents through ShareFile.

Change of Address

An address change can sometimes indicate identity theft and as such, Pacific Crest Savings Bank takes great precautions to ensure the validity of each address change request. We invite you to contact our Client Services Team at (800) 335-4126 and we will assist you with the necessary changes. Alternatively, you may also login to your Online Banking and provide the information utilizing our secure messaging service. In either instance, Pacific Crest will take the appropriate steps to protect your information.

Wire Transfer Information

Wire transfer information requires both bank information as well as your account information. Please complete the Wire Transfer Form and provide it to whomever you are authorizing to transmit funds to your account with Pacific Crest Savings Bank. If you are not faxing the information, an email message should be sent using our secure file sharing system, Citrix ShareFile to protect your confidential banking information.

FDIC Deposit Insurance

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) provides deposit insurance to protect your money.  Your deposits are automatically insured to at least $250,000 at each FDIC-insured bank.

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The FDIC is an independent agency of the United States government that protects you against the loss of your deposits if an FDIC-insured bank or savings association fails. FDIC insurance is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. Since the FDIC’s creation in 1933, no depositor has ever lost even one penny of FDIC-insured deposits.  See their 90-year history here.

FDIC deposit insurance protects your money held at an FDIC-insured bank in traditional deposit accounts, for example:

FDIC’s Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE) can be used to calculate, on a per-bank basis, how the insurance rules and limits apply to a depositor’s specific group of deposit accounts—what’s insured and what portion (if any) exceeds coverage limits at that bank. EDIE also allows the user to print the report for their records.

Cybersecurity, Fraud Prevention, and Identity Theft

Common cyber-related crimes include identity theft, fraud, and scams. Identity theft is a crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data to open fraudulent credit card accounts, charge existing credit card accounts, withdraw funds from deposit accounts, or obtain new loans. A victim’s losses may include not only out-of-pocket financial losses but also substantial costs to restore credit history and to correct erroneous information in their credit reports.

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In addition to identity theft, every year millions of people are victims of fraud and scams, which often start with an email, text message, or phone message that appears to be from a legitimate, trusted organization. These messages typically ask consumers to verify or update personal information or they direct consumers to bogus websites in the hopes that consumers will visit the site and enter their personal information.

Security Tips to Protect Your Online and Mobile Banking Account Information

  • Don’t reveal your username or password to anyone. Your username and password are designated to protect your banking information. This only works if you keep the information to yourself.
  • Create a safe password – the longer and more complex the harder it is to guess.
  • Don’t walk away from your computer if you are in the middle of an Online Banking session.
  • Once you have finished your Online or Mobile Banking session, log off before visiting other internet sites or mobile applications.
  • If you notice any suspicious or unusual activity related to any of your accounts, contact Pacific Crest immediately.
  • If your mobile device is lost or stolen, we recommend that you contact us so we can disable your Mobile Banking access.
  • It is advised that you not utilize public Wi-Fi for connectivity to Online or Mobile Banking. Public Wi-Fi can be configured to capture private information from unsuspecting internet users.
  • Limit the personal details you share on social media and/or consider limiting access to your personal page—it can provide identity thieves with too much information. They can use the information on your sites to guess your passwords or the answers to challenge questions used by secure sites. Choose wisely when setting up challenge questions to avoid easily-discovered answers.

Phishing Scam Tips

Phishing is a type of online scam where criminals make fraudulent emails, phone calls, and texts that appear to come from a legitimate bank. Every year, people lose hundreds, even thousands, of dollars to these scams. The communication is designed to trick you into entering confidential information (like account numbers, passwords, PINs, or birthdays) into a fake website by clicking on a link or telling it to someone imitating your bank on the phone.

Don’t fall for frauds — learn how to spot shady texts, emails, and phone calls by knowing the things your bank would never ask and following these tips to help prevent them.

Help Prevent Scams

  • Set up multi-factor authentication on your bank and email login.
  • Use long, complex passwords.
  • If you receive a text or call from your bank, hang up and call the number on the back of your debit card, bank statement, or the bank’s website.
  • Keep your computer and mobile device browser and operating system up-to-date by taking advantage of the latest security patches and enhancements.
  • Update your anti-virus software regularly to keep your computer and mobile device free from viruses or malware.
  • Slow down — think before you act.  Acting too quickly can result in unintentionally giving scammers access to your bank account — and your money. Scammers want you to feel confused and rushed, which is always a red flag. Banks will never threaten you into responding or use high-pressure tactics.

Email Scams

Email scams account for 96 percent of all phishing attacks, making email the most popular tool for the bad guys. Often, the scammer will disguise the email to look and sound like it’s from your bank.  When in doubt, call the number on the back of your debit card, bank statement, or the bank’s website.  It’s vital to verify a source before responding, following links, or downloading attachments.

Do not reply to the sender and do not call any phone numbers provided in the message.  Send a new separate email to the sender to verify the content.  If the sender is unknown to you, it’s best to delete it.

Avoid clicking links
If an email pressures you to click a link — whether it’s to verify your login credentials or make a payment, you can be sure it’s a scam. Banks never ask you to do that.  Links in phishing messages could direct you to fraudulent websites without your knowledge.

Raise the red flag on scare tactics
Banks will never use scare tactics, threats, or high-pressure language to get you to act quickly, but scammers will. Demands for urgent action should put you on high alert. No matter how authentic an email may appear, never reply with personal information like your password, PIN, or social security number.

Watch for attachments and typos
Your bank will never send attachments like a PDF in an unexpected email. Misspellings and poor grammar are also warning signs of a phishing scam.  Attachments may contain malware such as viruses, worms, or spyware.

Be skeptical of every email
Always treating incoming emails as a potential risk will protect you from scams. Fraudulent emails can appear very convincing, using official language and logos, and even similar URLs. Always be alert.  Links in phishing messages could direct you to fraudulent websites.

Unless expecting the email and you’ve verified the source, do not download any attachments in the message. Attachments may contain malware such as viruses, worms, or spyware.

Text Message Scams

Don’t click links
Never click on a link sent via text message if it asks you to sign in to your bank account. Scammers often use this technique to steal your username and password. When in doubt, visit your bank’s website by typing the URL directly into your browser or log in to your bank’s mobile app.  It’s vital to verify a source before responding, following links, or downloading files.

Never send personal information
Your bank will never ask for your PIN, password, or one-time login code in a text message. If you receive a text message asking for personal information, it’s a scam.

Delete the message
Don’t risk accidentally replying to or saving a fraudulent text message on your phone. If you are reporting the message to law enforcement or the FTC, take a screenshot to share, then delete it.

Forward suspicious text messages to 7726 (SPAM).

Phone Call Scams

Don’t rely on caller ID
Always be wary of incoming calls.  Scammers can make any number or name appear on your Caller ID. Even if your phone shows it’s your bank calling, it could be anyone. Area codes can be misleading. If your Caller ID displays a local area code, this does not guarantee that the caller is local.

Never give sensitive information
Financial institutions and legitimate companies will never call you to request your personal information. Never share sensitive information like your bank password, PIN, or a one-time login code with someone who calls you unexpectedly — even if they say they’re from your bank. Banks may need to verify personal information if you call them, but never the other way around.

Watch out for a false sense of urgency
Scammers count on getting you to act before you think, usually by including a threat.  Banks never will. A scammer might say “act now or your account will be closed,” or even “we’ve detected suspicious activity on your account” — don’t give in to the pressure.

Hang up — even if it sounds legit
Whether it’s a scammer impersonating your bank or a real call, stay safe by ending unexpected calls and instead dial the number on the back of your debit card, bank statement, or the bank’s website.

Mobile Payment App Scams

Be wary of texts or calls about payment apps
Payment app scams often start with a phone call or text. If you get an unexpected call, just hang up. If you get an unexpected text, delete it. Even when they seem legitimate, you should always verify by calling your bank or payment app’s customer service number.

Use payment apps to pay friends and family only
Don’t send money to someone you don’t know or have never met in person. These payment apps are just like handing cash to someone.

Raise the alarm on urgent payment requests
Scammers rely on creating a sense of urgency to get you to act without thinking. They might claim your account is in danger of being closed, or threaten you with legal action. These high-pressure tactics are red flags of a scam — a real bank would never use them.

Avoid unusual payment methods
Banks will never ask you to pay bills using a payment app or ask you to send money to yourself. Scammers can “spoof” email addresses and phone numbers on caller ID to look like they’re from your bank, even when they’re not. When in doubt, reach out to your bank directly by calling the number on the back of your debit card, bank statement, or the bank’s website.

What to do if you fall for a scam

Contact your bank immediately by calling the number on the back of your debit card, bank statement, or the bank’s website.  Request to close or freeze any accounts that may have been tampered with or fraudulently established.  Contact Pacific Crest at (425) 670-9600 or (800) 335-4126.

  • Change your online login credentials, username, passwords, and PINs with all of your financial institutions. If you haven’t already done so, implement multi-factor authentication, which is a setting that prevents cybercriminals from accessing your accounts, even if they know your password.
  • If you linked a payment app to a credit card or debit card, report the fraud to your credit card company or bank. Ask them to reverse the charge.
  • Secure your email and other communication accounts. Many people reuse passwords and your email or cell phone account may be compromised as well.
  • Go to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) IdentityTheft.gov to see what steps to take, including how to monitor your credit.
  • If you lost money, file a police report. Get a copy of the report to submit to your creditors and others that may require proof of the crime.
  • File a complaint with the FTC or call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). The FTC cannot resolve individual complaints, but your complaint could help law enforcement detect patterns of fraud and abuse.
  • Check your credit reports and place a fraud alert on them
    • Get a free copy of your credit report from annualcreditreport.com.
    • Review your credit report to make sure unauthorized accounts have not been opened in your name.
    • Report any fraudulent accounts to the appropriate financial institutions.
    • Place a fraud alert on your credit by contacting one of the three credit bureaus.

Manage your postal mail

  • Use secure drop locations for outgoing mail like post office collection boxes.
  • Retrieve incoming mail from your mailbox right away, even if you use a locked mailbox.

Be aware of your surroundings

  • Don’t use any ATM that shows signs of tampering, and report any such suspicions to the bank or ATM operator.
  • Keep your credit and debit card in sight whenever possible, and swipe or insert the chip yourself if you have that option.

Store and dispose of information carefully

  • Store financial documents and records in a secure, preferably locked location—yes, even at home.
  • Shred all printed documents with account information before discarding them. Destroy records, receipts, credit offers, and applications, checks, bank statements, and expired credit cards if you no longer need them. Check with your financial adviser or your state’s Attorney General for guidelines on how long to keep personal records.
  • Before disposing of computers or other devices, permanently wipe the device—information left behind can be a gateway to all of your online activity and accounts.

Additional resources:

FDIC Consumer Assistance Topics – Cybersecurity

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Resources:

Avoid Foreclosure

If you are a homeowner experiencing temporary or permanent financial difficulties and are worried you will be unable to pay your mortgage, you may qualify for assistance.

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Depending upon your financial circumstances, there may be options available which could help you avoid foreclosure. These may include: Loan Modification, Temporary Forbearance, Refinancing, Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure or Pre-Foreclosure sale.

Below are some important steps you should take:

1) Contact Your Lender – If you are having trouble making your payments, contact Pacific Crest Savings Bank Loan Servicing at (800) 335-4126 or (425) 670-9600 to discuss your situation and the options mentioned above.

2) Gather the following Financial Documents – You will need to gather the following documents when you meet to discuss your loan options for avoiding foreclosure:

  • Completed Personal Financial Statement (contact us for the form)
  • Completed request for Transcript of Tax Return (contact us for the form)
  • Signed copy of the most recently filed Tax Returns (including all schedules)
  • Copies of your last month’s pay stubs
  • Copy of your most current bank statements

3) Additional Assistance and Resources to Contact – The following resources may provide you with important information and assistance:

Glossary of Terms

In banking there is a lot of technical jargon. We’ve provided definitions of some of the most common terms to help you understand more about banking processes.

Show Definitions

Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)
The interest rate is tied to a market index (see Prime Rate below). As the index goes up or down, your interest rate and payments will also change at each scheduled adjustment period. “Rate caps” limit the amount your interest rate can change.

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
A term representing the total cost of credit. The APR of a loan is the total finance charge, including interest and fees, expressed as a yearly rate.

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
The effective annual yield that reflects the total amount of interest paid on the account, based on the interest rate and frequency of compounding for a 365-day period and calculated according to the rules developed by the Federal Reserve Bank.

Automated Clearing House (ACH)
The automated clearing house (ACH) is an electronic funds transfer system. This nationwide network processes electronically originated credit and debit transfers such as direct deposit payroll payments and corporate payments to contractors and vendors.

Automatic Payment
With automatic payments you can have your monthly payment deducted from your checking or savings account to make payments on your Pacific Crest loan.

Bill Pay
An Online Banking service that offers the convenience and control of managing and paying bills online. With Pacific Crest’s Online Bill Pay, you can pay any company or individual in the U.S., schedule one-time, recurring payments and choose to receive electronic bills from selected billers.

Cashier’s Check
A check drawn on and issued by Pacific Crest Savings. A cashier’s check can be used instead of a personal check to guarantee that funds are available for payment.

Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Also called Time Deposit, this is a certificate issued by a financial institution that indicates a specific sum has been deposited. Our CDs bear a maturity date of up to five (5) years and a specified interest rate for that period of time.

Compounding Interest
Interest earned on previously earned interest as well as on the principal (the original amount deposited excluding any interest earned).

Credit Score
A score or rating given to a person by a credit bureau that helps a lender determine how likely you are to repay a new loan. To calculate your score, a credit reporting agency considers factors such as how you pay your bills, your outstanding debt, how long you’ve had credit, the types you’ve had and how many times you’ve applied for credit.

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
Offering both traditional and Roth IRAs. Depending on the type of account, contributions may or may not be deducted from taxable income and earnings may not be taxed until disbursed, or in the case of Roth IRA may be tax-free.

Penalty for Early Withdrawal
Certificates of Deposit have a penalty when a withdrawal occurs before the specified maturity date. The penalty varies by the term of the CD. A 6 month to 1 year CD has a penalty of 90 days interest on the principal amount withdrawn. A CD of over 1 year and up to and including 3 years has a penalty of 180 days interest on the principal amount withdrawn. A CD with a term of 4 to 5 years carries a penalty of 365 days interest on the principal amount withdrawn.

Pre-Payment Penalty
A fee charged to a borrower who pays off a loan before it is due or 20% of its outstanding balance in a 12-month period if they chose the pre-payment option at closing.

Prime Rate
The interest rate charged by lenders to qualified customers. Pacific Crest uses the Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal.

Remote Deposit Capture
A service which allows a user to scan checks and transmit the scanned images to Pacific Crest for posting and clearing. The basic requirements for an RDC service currently include a PC, an internet connection, a check scanner and a business account with Pacific Crest Savings Bank. Checks you receive can be scanned to create a digital deposit. This digital deposit is then transmitted (over an encrypted internet connection) to Pacific Crest Savings Bank, who then accepts the deposit, posts the deposit to your account and assigns availability based upon the items deposited.

Term of Deposit
The contractual maturity or length of time funds must remain on deposit.

Wire Transfer
A wire transfer is a method of electronic funds transfer from one person or institution (entity) to another. The Federal Reserve Bank provides the Fedwire Funds Service, a real-time gross settlement system that enables participants to initiate funds transfer that are immediate, final, and irrevocable once processed. Funds transfers are originated by instructing Pacific Crest Savings Bank to debit funds from an account and credit funds to the account of another institution.